Monday, April 20, 2009

One hundred battles no danger

Hi All,

When i came across the quote from Art of the War, i could directly relate it to Emotional Intelligence
"Knowing others and knowing oneself, in onehundred battles no danger. Not knowing the other and knowing oneself, one victory for one loss. Not knowing the other and not knowing oneself, in every battle certain defeat." -Sun Tzu, The Art of War
To me, Emotional Intelligence is knowing oneself, knowing others and mighty doings with these knowings. "Knowing oneself" might sound simple. Greater the effort required to know oneself, if one thinks already he/she know himself/herself, whereas he/she is not. So, the question arises, how do you know whether you are "really" self aware.

People who have this, They

  1. Know which emotions they are feeling
  2. Know how particular feeling affects their performance
  3. Have a guiding awareness of their values & goals
  4. Are Aware of their strength & weakness
  5. Will learn from experience
  6. Are open to candid feedback, new perspectives & dev
  7. Are able to show a self-deprecating sense of humor
  8. Can voice views that are unpopular
  9. Are Decisive, able to make sound decisions, Despite uncertainties and pressures.

(The above points are extracted from Working with Emotional Intelligence, Thanks to Dr. Daniel goleman )

based on this if we found out, we are not self-aware. How to develop self-awareness ?

Ans: a simple exercise would be to practise meditation for some time. In that try to watch the thoughts and follow the feeling. Don't get influenced or influence it. Become a witness. By practice it would be possible. Once it is achieved we slowly tend to explore ourselves all the time.

Get back to you with more on EI



I Feel Therefore I am

Monday, April 13, 2009

On Anger..

Hi Friends,

Welcome to MoneyWell's blog page

i am regularly following Anbusivam's blog, in that recently he has written about Anger Management. Anger is one of the powerful emotions we can feel. Most of the time Anger is depicted as a crime. The very reasons can be, outcome of the anger is always scathe.

What a person do out of anger

1. can damage whom we were angry with.
2. can damage that person who got angry.
3. can damage the family and relatives of that person.

Here i cannot ignore to quote the works of Thiruvalluvar. (Thiruvalluvar (Tamil: திருவள்ளுவர்) was a celebrated Tamil poet who wrote the Thirukkural, a work on ethics in Tamil literature. )

He has written a Athikaram ( 10 couplets ) on Restraining Anger. i would like to quote some of it.

306. Friend-killer is the fatal rage
It burns the helpful kinship-barge

In this couplet, he characterizes anger as a disease which kills whoever has it and also kills whoever affined to the person who has the anger.

304. Is there a foe like harmful ire
which kills the smile and joyful cheer

This narrates very first practical experience of anger. We cannot smile with joyful cheer whenwe are angry at something or some one. So anger kills both. In this couplet anger is characterized as the biggest enemy to the mankind, because it kills the bliss ful smile and joyful cheer.

By quoting Thiruvalluvar i can bring out the points for benefits of not getting angry and personnel casualty of getting angry. One more quote with which i would like to conclude on anger and how to handle it, that is Aristotle's (One of the greatest of the ancient Athenian philosophers; pupil of Plato; teacher of Alexander the Great (384-322 BC) )

“Anybody can become angry, that is easy; but to be angry with the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time, and for the right purpose, and in the right way, that is not within everybody's power, that is not easy.”

When i read it for the first time, i was admired by the discipline he demands for getting angry. He is not stating anything good or bad about anger. But in the deep sense he brings out the imbalance one would have to experience when they are angry.

When one gets angry, if he is able to think about, whether it is right degree, right time, right purpose and the right way to show it. Then he/she is thinking about the feeling ( the anger) he/she has. By doing so one can reduce the magnitude of anger they are going to get, by that one can save lot of his/her energy, avoid lot of health problems and other damages.
Lets have a cheerful smile !
with lots of love,

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift ..

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift ..

Hi Friends,

Welcome to Money Well's Blog.

Albert Einstein (14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955) – I need not have to introduce this reverent scientist to you. He is known for his wok on Relativity, Photoelectric effect, Brownian motion, Unified- Field Theory and so on. Out of all his brain-works I liked the following quote, for which I need not have to derive some equation or keeping some postulates in mind to understand it.

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
No wonder his brain is preserved for research. Even though his rational mind was achieving quite lot of things he believed and nurtured the intuitive mind as well. I don’t have an example to narrate his mastery over his feeling-mind. But I have an example on Newton.

Sir Isaac Newton had on his table a pile of papers upon which were written calculations that had taken him twenty years to make. One evening, he left the room for a few minutes, and when he came back he found that his little dog "Diamond" had overturned a candle and set fire to the precious papers, of which nothing was left but a heap of ashes. You know what he did,

“Oh, Diamond! Diamond! thou little knowest what mischief thou hast done” .
(This is from an anecdote found in St. Nicholas magazine, Vol. 5, No. 4, (February 1878) ,
Both of the Great men have displayed the maturity of feeling brain as well the rational or thinking brain.

A Question to all of us, are we really spending some effort to mature the feeling brain we have. We all have to agree one thing that we are spending quite lot of effort to educate the thinking brain, where as we are least bothered about our feeling brain.

Just think what would have happened if your single-day effort in paper is spoiled by your kid / spouse / parent, would the reaction be same or better than Newton’s??

Lets us think to make the “FEELING BRAIN” better..

With lots of love,
Money Well

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Beethoven's Quote

Hi Friends,

Welcome to Money Well's Blog.
This is my first post in the blog. I would like to start with a quote, which inspired me on writing.

I have never thought of writing for reputation and
honor. What I have in my heart must come
out; that is the reason why I compose — Ludwig van Beethoven

Beethoven's Quote influenced my stream of thoughts. I feel whenever the heart communicates without any barricade or loss, it is a mellifluous music. Whether it be a song or a computer program or even a greeting. If one knows how to do so.. some one like me will be writing a blog on his quote.

Lots of love,

Money Well.

I Feel Therefore I AM

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